Gather Together
Kindergarten to 6th Grade
Boys and Girls Lutheran Pioneers

Lutheran Pioneers gives your child the opportunity to learn skills for a life of service to God in a caring, Christian environment and provides a great opportunity for fellowship among peers!
This program is free to all children in kindergarten – 6th grade. We generally meet on the first Sunday of each month in the Ministry and Education Center. Attendance is not mandatory. Come as your schedule allows.​
Please register your child if your family would like to be kept informed of upcoming activities.
Register Here
High School Students
ELC Teen Group

The goal of this group is to bring teens together for fellowship and fun while focusing on Christ in a welcoming, Christ-centered environment.
We meet every Sunday morning for Bible study and organize larger events quarterly. We also have a calendar of events planned throughout the year.
The group is open to all teens! You do not have to be WELS to join—everyone is welcome. Joining the group is free, but for certain special events, we may ask for a small fee to help cover costs.
Email Chris Sulit or Pastor Pflughoeft if you have questions or would like more information.
College Students
Light in the Valley

Light in the Valley is the WELS college campus ministry. The group meets on Mondays at 5:00 PM for Bible study, Christian fellowship, and a free meal. All college students are welcome to join.
Email for the meeting location and if you want to learn more.
Age 55 and Older
Joy Fellowship

Along with working on service projects for the congregation, this group enjoys frequent field trips to various places of interest and sharing meals together, including potlucks and barbecues.
Mothers Understanding Mothers

This group is for mothers seeking to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord by growing in God's Word with the support of other Christian mothers. They email and post encouraging devotionals, meet on Sunday mornings for Bible study and fellowship, and share monthly encouragement challenges. They also support the ministry of New Mom Encouragement.
Connect with this group by emailing:
All Women
Women of the Word

This group is in the planning stage of reorganizing their structure. Watch the weekly email, worship service folder, and monthly newsletter for information regarding the next meeting of WOW which will be a social get together where more information will be shared. All ladies of the congregation are invited to join this group. If you would like to participate or have ideas to share, please contact Karen Henriksen or Alysha Bergsma.
See a group that interests you?​ Ready to join a group or just looking for more information?