Who We Are
Meet the Pastors

Biography Pastor Gary Pufahl has served as Emmanuel's lead pastor since February of 2021. He was born in Norfolk, Nebraska, but he grew up in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. He was baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit when he was eleven days old. He was confirmed in his faith at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Lake Mills, Wisconsin, in 1991. He graduated from Lakeside Lutheran High School in Lake Mills in 1995, Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, in 1999, and earned a Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin, in 2003. He previously served congregations in California and Wisconsin. Pastor Pufahl and his wife, Kris, have four children. In his recreation time, Pastor Pufahl enjoys spending time with his family and friends hiking, camping, fishing, backpacking, kayaking and enjoying God’s beautiful creation. He also enjoys reading, playing card games, and watching movies. One of his favorite Bible passages is 2 Corinthians 5:21: "God made Jesus, who did not know sin, to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him." It is his passion and joy to share that truth and all of God’s truth in the Bible with people. He loves teaching and helping people with God’s Word whether in counseling or in classes.

Biography Pastor Christopher Pflughoeft was ordained and installed as an associate pastor at Emmanuel in June of 2021. He grew up in a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He graduated from Martin Luther College in 2017 and from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2021. Pastor Pflughoeft and his wife, Michaela, have four daughters. They are happy to be a part of the Emmanuel family. His personal interests include reading, listening to podcasts, and watching sports. Pastor Pflughoeft looks forward to serving his Lord and congregation.

Biography Pastor Jon Buchholz has served Emmanuel since 2005. Pastor Buchholz has served congregations in Wisconsin and Washington, but Arizona has always been his home state. He graduated from Arizona Lutheran Academy in 1982, Northwestern College in 1986, and he earned a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1990. Pastor Buchholz enjoys spending time with his family, hiking and camping, woodworking, and applying technology to ministry. He and his wife, Sandy, have four adult children.

Biography Pastor Daniel Pautz has shepherded Emmanuel since 1968. He has watched as God's mighty hand of grace has brought Emmanuel from a small, start-up church to the congregation of nearly 1,000 members it is today. He presently serves half-time as visitation pastor. Pastor Pautz graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1967 with a Master of Divinity degree. He enjoys gardening, hiking and sports of all kinds, and also loves to travel with his wife, Ingrid.